New York and Wired — ensygnia

New York and Wired

In October, Ensygnia took part in its first two exhibitions. The company both exhibited and spoke at the GSMA’s Mobile Money Summit in New York. Founder and CEO Richard H Harris shared the conference stage with Visa, Paypal and Groupon and after recounting a horror story retail experience in New York wowed the audience with a live demonstration of Onescan. A lively panel debate followed which you can read about here.

Ensygnia's Bede Feltham demos Onescan at Wired 2013.

At the same time, in London the Ensygnia team staged a great live demo in the O2 Labs at Wired 2013 in the Tobacco Dock conference centre. The Ensygnia team allowed visitors to the booth to order drinks using Onescan during the exhibition’s networking cocktail reception. Visitors scanned the giant screen for their drink of choice which was then immediately delivered by the booth team. It was probably one of the most popular Onescan demos ever devised – but that could just be the drink talking.
