Courtesy of: Hospitality & Catering News
If you had said, one year ago, that an app reliant on QR code usage would get 12.4 million UK consumer downloads in just four days, you would probably have been asked how big was the prize money? The app in question is, of course, the NHS Covid-19 track and trace app.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought about many changes to the way we live, work and play, but among all those remarkable changes, the acceptance and enthusiastic use of the previously much-maligned QR code is right up as far as technology providers are concerned.
And although the NHS app has had its criticisms and suffered from the usual launch bug fixes and challenges caused by handset OS upgrades, millions of people who have never used a QR code before, and have never installed a QR code reader, are arriving at venues and pointing their camera phones at ‘quick response’ or QR code and are being amazed at the immediate recognition of the venue where they have just ‘checked-in’.
The same users are also surprised that without even needing to use a specially downloaded app, pointing their camera at a QR code can immediately bring up the menu for the pub or restaurant they have visited. And, of course, some of those hospitality venues take the process beyond the instant menu delivery - allowing you to order and pay for your food and drink order without leaving the table. An entire process triggered by a simple QR code working in combination with a smartphone camera.
The upsurge in QR code awareness and availability caused by the pandemic has seen many more people become comfortable with their usage, and many more business recognize the flexibility and scope of QR technology to make online interactions and transactions quicker, simpler and more secure.
Our Onescan technology can turn one of our specially created and securely encrypted, QR codes into an exchange of information that is simple, swift and secure. Onescan can be used to register for services, to log-onto to a website, to authorise a transaction, to verify identity, or to order and pay for anything.
Onescan’s patented solution doesn’t rely on a central store of its users’ personal data, which means there is no massive data repository for fraudsters to hack. Users of Onescan remain in control and possession of their data and scanning one of our codes generates a ‘tokenized’ exchange meaning any transaction is authorized without the need to expose or store personal or financial data.
Onescan is also recognized and accepted by the European Bank’s PSD2 directive as an approved process that meets the requirements of the Secure Customer Authentication (SCA) regulations about to come into force across Europe and apply to all online transactions above €30.
As consumer comfort with QR code usage accelerates across Europe, there’s never been a better time than now to integrate the simplicity and security of Onescan transactions into business operations.
To find out more - click here.